My sweet husband and I.

My sweet husband and I.
Leah Bess Photography.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sampling items / Free swag!

So I have recently learned about a few websites that are great for sampling products & reviewing them, which is just another way to get free swag, if you ask me!

And normally, most people probably wouldn't waste their time trying this, but if you're into that sort of thing, I highly recommend it! I just got my first campaign from BZZagent , and it's full size products from Covergirl's new line. (free makeup, F* yeah!) Review to follow on that.. :)

I also signed up with them for a Kindle campaign, where a specific author will send his newest books into your kindle account (you can download a kindle app on iphone/smart phone/etc.) and you rate & review the books! Bzzagent is great for a few reasons:

1. you take surveys every time you log in that allows BzzAgent to match you up with products that may be right for you. For example, those of you that are mom's out there, this would be a great way to sample some baby/children's products. Your answers then direct BzzAgent to give you "campaign" options to sign up for, which is basically the company (i.e. Covergirl) mailing you products, you spread the word, and then review!
2. They have a great, easy to navigate website. Also, they're very well connected to facebook & twitter.
3. For different activities, such as filling out surveys & participating in campaigns, you get points to your "My Points account, and the mypoints site has a reward system for points you earn doing different things. You can earn gift cards, prizes, cash, etc.

So sign up at and you too could score free swag!

Another cool site is Crowd Tap. Same concept, you can be chosen to test out products and "campaigns," then write reviews and spread the word. Crowd tap is on a points based system as well as a dollar system, plus a portion of everything you earn automatically goes to the charity of your choice! Not bad, right? Crowdtap makes it easy to earn points by doing what they call "quick hits", where you fill out polls that pop up on your front page. You get points for each "quick hit" you take and then after so many points you move up to different levels, and from there you get the opportunity to test products.

So far, I've been invited to host a "Hawaiian Tropic" testing party, which is going to be sweet!

The host gets goodies for themselves, as well as goodies to pass out to "party guests." Then you write a review, and if it's one of the top reviews chosen, you get points AND money credited to your account. Free stuff, free money & goodies! I love it. So make sure you sign up at and get registered!

Most of you are probably thinking, "wow this woman has too much time on her hands." But honestly, I've become slightly obsessed with the quest of finding what I want for cheaper. And honestly, if I can get what I want for free or seriously discounted, I'm going to do it. My boyfriend has learned to accept it, my family has accepted it, so I'm on a mission y'all. Join  me? :)


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