My sweet husband and I.

My sweet husband and I.
Leah Bess Photography.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Correction: I guess I'm not leaving Blogspot

Oh the world of blogging.. almost everyone has one, reads one, or subscribes to one. I seem to have like three accounts for some reason.. I really was impressed with tumblr's ability to make mobile blogging so easy. Blogspot, not so much. But tumblr doesn't allow you to post a series of pictures, i.e. a tutorial or "how to" type of post. Which is rediculous! I like to post step by steps for crafting and cooking and other random things, and tumblr won't have it. So I'll take it elsewhere!

So needless to say, I haven't left. And I'll be sticking around. Blogspot, I love you, just make your mobile app easier to use! Help us out here!

Love: Ashley

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