My sweet husband and I.

My sweet husband and I.
Leah Bess Photography.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Barton Springs - ATX

So for everyone who lives in Austin, you know what Barton Springs is. However, for those of you who don't, it's this gorgeous naturally spring fed public swimming area.

The closed it off and it's like a public little river almost, with lifegaurds, a diving board, the whole nine yards. You can chill out on the grass or hop in the (freezing) spring fed water. So neat!

 We went with our good friends Morgan and nate (below) so much fun!!

If you ever get a shot to head out to Barton Springs, do it! But make sure it's super warm outside, also, bring $3 cash because you hafta pay to get in!

Just had to post pics of it, I was born to be near the freshwater but somehow ended up at the beach all my life. Now I'm in the right place :)


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