My sweet husband and I.

My sweet husband and I.
Leah Bess Photography.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stay Primitive - the creativity process

Another shout out to BzzAgent, one of the campaigns I'm a part of now is a Kindle campaign. I downloaded the app on my Iphone, and we get a free copy of author Steven Pressfield's new book, "Do the Work", three weeks before it's released to the public. I wasn't sure what to expect, but so far I'm THRILLED. It's a motivational book, that walks you through FINISHING whatever it is you're trying to accomplish. Writing a book, dieting, changing your life, mending a relationship, learning a trade, whatever it is. and I love it.

This is an excerpt from page 217, talking about keeping things simple in the beginning of the creativity process:

"1. Stay Primitive
The creative act is primitive. Its principles are of birth and genesis. Babies are born in blood and chaos; stars and galaxies come into being amid the release of massive primordial cataclysms. Conception occurs at the primal level. I'm not being facetious when I stress, throughout this book, that it is better to be primitive than to be sophisticated, and better to be stupid than to be smart. The most highly cultured mother gives birth sweating and dislocated and cursing like a sailor. That's the place we inhabit as artists and innovators. It's the place we must be comfortable with. The hospital room may be spotless and sterile, but birth itself will always take place amid chaos, pain, and blood."  - Steven Pressfield

This book is all about resistance, how to fight of resistance, and how to accomplish what you're goals are. Find more info here.

I know it seems weird, amidst all my entries about couponing, thrifting, & what not, but it speaks volumes. Whatever it is you're doing, dieting, budgeting, writing a novel, making a movie, keep going! And stay primitive, when starting out, do the most basic, simple, outline of whatever it is you're doing. The details will all fall into place!


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